Chloe Cares Rescues

Meet Our Team


Tammy is a school bus driver who met Clarissa and Stella by adopting her first rescue Pitbull 2 years ago. The rescue team caught and trapped the mother and all the pups, and Tammy adopted Chloe, also her inspiration for the company. Unfortunately, the mother escaped and got pregnant again to Tammy’s surprise a year later she adopted Paola, Chloe’s little sister. We are still searching for the pup’s mom to reunite the whole family.

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Stella is the heart and soul of Chloe Cares Rescues with her exceptional effort and unending love for the animals she fosters. When Stella is not engaged with her 2 children, ages 42 and 44, or her 3 grandchildren, she is consumed with saving animal lives. Stella carries a tremendous load with over 25 rescued animals sharing her home and somehow Stella still finds the time, energy, and resources to care for and feed the dogs she cannot bring home.

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Clarissa is a retired US Lieutenant Colonel where she served for 23 years with an astonishingly impressive military record. Clarissa also has a bachelor’s degree in social work where she graduated Magna Cum Laude and an Army’s master’s degree in Logistics Management. Her background stretches from working in the Pentagon under the Surgeon General to overseas in Korea and Iraq.
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Shanna is an incredibly dedicated and passionate individual when it comes to animals and their well being. Her background and experiences demonstrate a strong commitment to animal care, from her involvement in 4-H to her role as a dog groomer and her Goldendoodle Knight showcases her resilience and determination in providing the best care for her pets. The fact that she would describe herself as “just the driver in his life” further emphasizes her selflessness and devotion to her pets.
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